Mark Crossley Walks
As we enter a second week of full lockdown sport news is minimal not just across the county of Nottinghamshire but indeed the country and the world with nothing but a bit of football in Belarus to report.
Back home Nottingham Forest footballers have been reading bedtime stories, Notts County staff have been calling up old fans, Mansfield Town made the last sixteen of the EA Sports FIFA #ultimatequarantine tournament before losing agonisingly to Wolves.
Footballers have been kicking toilet rolls up in the air, cricketers have shared home movies of fully kitted out batsmen playing in their kitchens and of real grass wickets prepared in gardens… Rugby stars sharing photo memories of themselves in their younger days whilst the Elite League Ice Hockey players born in USA and Canada have largely flown home.
Sport other than your individual hourly intake of exercise is pretty much on hold in this country… But good news is that former Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Mark Crossley is ‘still’ walking.
Big Norm as he’s affectionately known has set up a charity to promote country walking with other ex-footballers involved like Chris Kirkland, John Parkin, Dean Windass and former Red Nigel Jemson to name a few.
Crossley who’s been up to North Yorkshire, Langsett, The Lake District, Damflask, Wollaton Park, even the farmers field behind his house has used ‘walking’ for exercise, fitness and awareness and has made over £1,600 so far selling hats with the hashtag #walkingsbrilliant which you can buy for £10 each with proceeds going to charity.
The charity itself is being set up to raise money towards mental health and the NHS with Crossley announcing some new ideas in the coming months including more ways on how you can get involved.
Crossley, an asthma sufferer himself stated whilst walking locally yesterday “I’ve not been able to get out for a week, not got the virus but not been feeling too good, the last couple of days I’ve been sending these #walkingsbrilliant hats out with my autobiography and all the monies going to the charity”
The former Forest goalkeeper who still lives (and walks) locally stated “over the last two days £1200 profit has been donated to the charity that we’re starting” saying “walking is the best medicine, exercise is the best medicine”
A thought certainly echoed by us at Nottingham Sport as we aim to get through lockdown fitter and healthier than ever before.
For more information you can follow Mark’s progress on his Twitter @bignorms and purchase a #walkingsbrilliant hat by clicking here
Even if for an hour a day walking can take the strain away with a fitness kick, fresh air and stunning scenery so we suggest if running or cycling is not for you, get out, exercise and walk and why not do it for a good cause too.
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