7 Keep Fit Ideas For Lockdown

So this is how it feels to be on lockdown. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has kindly asked us to stay indoors other than when we are to go to work (if we have a key job), get our shopping (when necessary) or to exercise (once a day).

So what are we going to do with ourselves over the next three weeks (minimum)?

For the foreseeable we can’t play or watch sports (which unfortunately means there’s not a lot of sport to read or write about either) but it seems we can still keep fit ‘preferably alone’ or even exercise the mind with a competitive game of something with the family at home.

Here’s seven things that we at Nottingham Sport recommend you to-do in order to keep your mind and body fit over the next few weeks in lockdown.

  1. Run

We are still (currently) allowed outdoors for exercise once a day so pick your distance, download your route app, put in your air pods, set off for a jog and remember to keep track of your time. Beating your PB is one way to keep it competitive and if you find things too easy, simply increase the length of your run.. Find things too tricky, then knock it down a distance or two. Beginners should start at 1k and gradually aim for 5k which is a good starter level to aim for and compare times. Anyone else will know their levels and what their body can do.

  1. Cycle

Like running we are still allowed to do this outdoors and on a bike you can cover much more more distance taking in some of the Great British country around you as you go. Cycling is great for cardiovascular as well as strengthening legs and decreasing fat. You’ll be surprised too in the distance you cover. An hour at a leisurely pace will see you ride roughly 10 kilometres which is a great starting distance for beginners whilst more advanced cyclists may enjoy the freedom of the quieter roads to do more than 10-20 miles on average.

  1. Walk

It never hurts to walk and walking is something that people of all ages, old and young can do. Whilst it is not recommended to go for walks with your family you can certainly do in pairs but more sensibly alone, just around the block is a good start or those not confident enough to run could go further at a decent pace. Try a 3k walk and see how you go which should take you roughly half an hour. Should you find it easy than simply walk some more. Remember 10,000 steps in a day keeps the Doctor away.

  1. Keep Fit Class (from home)

Whether you dust off the DVD’s, stream on YouTube or download an app, keeping fit in your living room has never been easier with access to thousands of variations of indoor exercises to do from aerobics to insanity, from boxercise to dancercise. Take time and research what might be best for you and start your class today but please remember to move the coffee table.

  1. Yoga/Pilates

Fancy something a little less extreme. Stretching your limbs, calming your mind and balancing your core can be just as beneficial to your body as high intensity workout. Save a little time for something more than just heart pumping exercise and engage your muscles whilst controlling your breathing and inner strength.

  1. Get Out In The Garden

If safe to do so then get out in the fresh air, whether it be with a ball, a skipping rope or some weights (you can always find something heavy to use), you can even make an assault course from items out of your shed. Try beat your keep uppy record, play bat and ball with your kids, skip until you can’t skip no more but spend time in the garden doing stuff because subject to orders, you could be a long time indoors.

  1. Play A Board Game

Still got that competitive edge? After the sun goes down why not play a game of Chess? Dominoes? Monopoly? Snakes and ladders? Trivial Pursuit? Whilst these might not be considered as sport per se and whilst they won’t exactly help burn the calories they will help stimulate the mind and provide you with that competitiveness and winning edge that you are missing from the lack of top level sport in your life as you look to beat your eight year-old daughter and take home the mantle of proud family champion once again.

Daniel-Peacock 7 Keep Fit Ideas For Lockdown

*Article provided by Daniel Peacock (Editor).

*Main image @veryfitwell jogging is one of the few outdoor actrivities still possible during lockdown.

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