We have been donated a number of fabulous photos of Nottinghamshire Football Teams from the early half of the 20th century with some famous names that you might have heard of and some not so well known sides from across the county and city of Nottingham. We are always looking to add more which is to the benefit of the sporting people of Notts so please email us at info@nottinghamsport.com and we’ll not only add to our database for all to see but we’ll also tweet the best ones for everyone to see over twitter.

Magdala-Amateurs-1904 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Magdala Amateurs (1904)

Newark-Town-1904 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Newark Town (1904/05)

Nottingham-High-School-1905 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Nottingham High School (1904/05)

Eastwood-Rangers-1905-06 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Eastwood Rangers (1905/06)

Notts-Magdala-1905-06 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Notts Magdala (1905/06)

Back row: T.H. Watts, H.R. Lymerry, L.W. Hancock, A.S. Bright, F.W. Chapman, F.T. Walker. Front row: J.D. Barnsdale, T. Osborne, H. Bradfield, A.C. Cullen.

Players-1905-06 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Players (1905/06)

Beeston-Rangers-1907 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Beeston Rangers (1907)

Bulwell-Forest-Villa-1908-09 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Bulwell Forest Villa (1908/09)

Mansfield-Forest-Villa-1908-09 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Mansfield Forest Villa (1908/09)

Forest-Town-Mission-1909 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Forest Town Mission (1909)

Nottingham-Forest-1912 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Nottingham Forest (1912)

Basford-United-1915 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Basford United (1915)

Beeston-Old-Boy-Association Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Beeston Old Boy Association (circa 1915)

Worksop-Town-unknown Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Worksop Town (circa 1915)

Babbington-Colliery-1920-21 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Babbington Colliery (1920/21)

Arnold-Wesleyans-1921-22 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Arnold Wesleyans (1921/22)

Back row: A. Moore, A. Garratt, D. Howard, S. Godfrey, C. Rose, E. Towle, H. Pinder. Middle row: E. Broughton, L. Berry, W. Beardsall, J. Daws, E. Varley, P. Marco, H. Moore. Front row: T. Henshaw, C. Sharpe, H. Anthony, T. Rose, W. Wheat, E. Johnson, H. Preston, Secretary.

Dale-Rovers-1024x768 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Dale Rovers (1922)

Hyson-Green-FC-1024x667 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Hyson Green (circa 1925)

Lenton-Gregory-1927 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Lenton Gregory (1927)

Back row: Joe Byard, Arthur ‘knocker’ Brown, ‘Jigger’ Moore, Jim Hopewell, John Sawdon. Middle row: Tom Wood, Arthur Sawdon, Fred Sills, Bill Lyons, John Attenborough, Harry Wood. Front row: Harry Woolley, Arthur Towle, Bill Dudley, Jack Dudley, Harry Sawdon.

Parliament-Street-Athletic-1931-32-1024x746 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Parliament Street Athletic (1931/32)

Bulwell-Thursday-1933-34 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Bulwell Thursday (1933/34)

Ransome-and-Marles-1933-34-1024x758 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Ransome & Marles (1933/34)

Collingham-FC-1936-37 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Collingham (1936/37)

Bestwood-Colliery-1939-40 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Bestwood Colliery (1939/40)

Parliament-Street-Methodists-1946 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Parliament Street Methodist (1946)

Dunkirk-1947 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Dunkirk (1947)

Back row: Andy Buchanan, Bill Cooper, Frank Woodhead, Dennis Burditt, Harry ‘Ollie’ Bourne, Bob Bragg. Front row: Dennis Stanley, Ken ‘Titch’ Eason, Jack Nix, George Wvleman, Bill Payne.

Netherfield-Albion-1947 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Netherfield Albion (1947)

Back row: Johnny Williams (Trainer), Jackie Harper, E. Henson, Jackie Bell, Fred Widdowson, Dennis Bidolph, Eric Nicholson, Ernie Allsopp (Secretary). Front row: Arthur Nutt, Charlie Saxton, Des Hickman, Kenny Lamb, unknown, G. Salvin.

Thoresby-Colliery-1948 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Thoresby Colliery (1948)

Back row: Jebb, J. Rabbitt, C. Sperrink, J. Cullen, L. Fletcher, J. Fletcher, R. Bramley. Front row: Dennis, M. Jones, F. Parr, B. Soar, K. Hibberd, R. Fensom, V. Bentley.

Raleigh-Athletic-1948-49-1024x765 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Raleigh Athletic (1948/49)

Calverton-United-1949-50 Bygones - Notts Football Team Photos 1900-1949

Calverton United (1949/50)

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